Monday, 26 January 2015


Nature has bestowed all of us with one great talent or the other. Despite being the miniscule part of this universal play, we are not entirely insignificant and immaterial. You may be need good in music or computers or writing or cooking or in any other art. Well, the idea is that you can do certain things better than others do - this is what makes you unique, makes you what you actually are!
A widely asked question is why do many of us fail to get due recognisation and end up living a life in which we are not using the best of our talent? Well, the answer lie within us. You may have tried really hard and so have the half of the population and still you end up gaining less - that calls for explanation and here there is one to offer.
You have been passionate, dedicated and assiduous. You did all it take to represent the best of your talent. Still why, because you were not patient enough. You did not wait long enough and you might have given up the trail when only a few miles were left but you weren't aware of it.
How much patience do we require? There is no limit. The famous poet Robert Frost left the security of family business and took up writing. He died without getting any good recognisation of his work and today, we know him as a great poet. Make the best use of your talent to the create things you can create because it gives you immense satisfaction and not because you will get recognised. Recognisation is secondary, satisfaction is primary. So, work for your satisfaction.
While you  would be busy, working for your satisfaction, recognisation will knock on your door someday.
The real talent lies in patience and perseverance. The rest of your qualities will been seen and awarded after you pass a few levels from your real talent.

There is no harm in falling but in refusing to get up.

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